Monday, September 19, 2016

Pengertian Paragraf Eksposisi

Pengertian Paragraf Eksposisi

Karena banyaknya pencarian tentang paragraf, seperti;
  1. pengertian paragraf eksposisi
  2. pengertian paragraf deduktif beserta contoh
  3. contoh karangan paragraf eksposisi
  4. macam macam paragraf deduktif
  5. pengertian paragraf induktif
Saya posting satu artikel khusus mengenai paragraf eksposisi. Untuk tema paragraf yang lain mungkin pada posting-posting yang akan datang.

Paragraf Eksposisi

Menulis karangan dan artikel eksposisi sangatlah menarik, karena berisi informasi. Pembaca atau pendengar (bila kita menceritakannya) menyadari pentingnya sebuah informasi, karena penyuguhan tulisan kita ditulis dengan gaya penulisan eksposisi.
Keyword: Eksposisi merupakan sebuah paparan atau penjelasan
Paragraf eksposisi dapat menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan seperti; apakah itu? Dari mana asalnya?

Definisi Paragraf Eksposisi

Pengertian paragraf eksposisi adalah karangan yang menyajikan sejumlah pengetahuan atau informasi. Tujuannya, pembaca mendapat pengetahuan atau informasi yang sejelas – jelasnya.
Contoh yang termasuk dalam paragraf eksposisi adalah segala jenis laporan

Jenis-Jenis Paragraf Eksposisi

Ada beberapa jenis pengembangan dalam paragraf eksposisi, diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut;
  1. eksposisi definisi
  2. eksposisi proses
  3. eksposisi klasifikasi
  4. eksposisi ilustrasi (contoh)
  5. eksposisi perbandingan & pertentangan, dan
  6. eksposisi laporan

Mengenali Contoh-contoh Paragraf Eksposisi

Contoh Paragraf Eksposisi Definisi
Ozone therapy adalah pengobatan suatu penyakit dengan cara memasukkan oksigen ,urni dan ozon berenergi tinggi ke dalam tubuh melalui darah. Ozone therapy merupakan terapi yang sangat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan, baik untuk menyembuhkan penyakit yang kita derita maupun sebagai pencegah penyakit.
Contoh Paragraf Eksposisi Klasifikasi
Pemerintah akan memberikan bantuan pembangunan rumah atau bangunan kepada korban gempa. Bantuan pembangunan rumah atau bangunan tersebut disesuaikan dengan tingkat kerusakannya. Warga yang rumahnya rusak ringan mendapat bantuan sekitar 10 juta. Warga yang rumahnya rusak sedang mendapat bantuan sekitar 20 juta. Warga yang rumahnya rusak berat mendapat bantuan sekitar 30 juta. Calon penerima bantuan tersebut ditentukan oleh aparat desa setempat dengan pengawasan dari pihak LSM.
Contoh Paragraf Eksposisi Proses
Sampai hari ke-8, bantuan untuk para korban gempa Yogyakarta belum merata. Hal ini terlihat di beberapa wilayah Bantul dan Jetis. Misalnya, di Desa Piyungan. Sampai saat ini, warga Desa Piyungan hanya makan singkong. Mereka mengambilnya dari beberapa kebun warga. Jika ada warga yang makan nasi, itu adalah sisa-sisa beras yang mereka kumpulkan di balik reruntuhan bangunan. Kondisi seperti ini menunjukkan bahwa bantuan pemerintah kurang merata.
Contoh Paragraf Eksposisi Ilustrasi
Pernahkan Anda menghadapi situasi tertentu dengan perasaan takut? Bagaimana cara mengatasinya? Di bawah ini ada lima jurus untuk mengatasi rasa takut tersebut. Pertama, persipakan diri Anda sebaik-baiknya bila menghadapi situasi atau suasana tertentu; kedua, pelajari sebaik-baiknya bila menghadapi situasi tersebut; ketiga, pupuk dan binalah rasa percaya diri; keempat, setelah timbul rasa percaya diri, pertebal keyakinan Anda; kelima, untuk menambah rasa percaya diri, kita harus menambah kecakapan atau keahlian melalui latihan atau belajar sungguh – sungguh.
Contoh Paragraf Eksposisi Perbandingan / Pertentangan
Pascagempa dengan kekuatan 5,9 skala richter, sebagian Yogyakarta dan Jawa Tengah luluh lantak. Keadaan ini mengundang perhatian berbagai pihak. Bantuan pun berdatangan dari dalam dan luar negeri. Bantuan berbentuk makanan, obat-obatan, dan pakaian dipusatkan di beberapa tempat. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar pendistribusian bantuan tersebut lebih cepat. Tenaga medis dari daerah-daerah lain pun berdatangan. Mereka memberikan bantuan di beberapa rumah sakit dan tenda – tenda darurat.
Contoh Paragraf Eksposisi Laporan
Sebenarnya, bukan hanya ITS yang menawarkan rumah instan sehat untuk Aceh atau dikenal dengan Rumah ITS untuk Aceh (RI-A). Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Permukiman Departemen Pekerjaan Umum juga menawarkan “Risha” alias Rumah Instan Sederhana Sehat. Modelnya hampir sama, gampang dibongkar-pasang, bahkan motonya “Pagi Pesan, Sore Huni”. Bedanya, sistem struktur dan konstruksi Risha memungkinkan rumah ini berbentuk panggung. Harga Risha sedikit lebih mahal, Rp 20 juta untuk tipe 36. akan tetapi, usianya dapat mencapai 50 tahun karena komponen struktur memakai beton bertulang, diperkuat pelat baja di bagian sambungannya. Kekuatannya terhadap gempa juga telah diuji di laboratorium sampai zonasi enam.

Tema Yang Dapat Dikembangkan Menjadi Paragraf Eksposisi

Tujuan paragraf eksposisi adalah memaparkan atau menjelaskan sesuatu agar pengetahuan pembaca bertambah. Oleh karena itu, topik-topik yang dikembangkan dalam paragraf eksposisi berkaitan dengan penyampaian informasi.
Berikut ini contoh–contoh tema yang dapat dikembangkan menjadi sebuah paragraf eksposisi.
1. Manfaat Jejaring Sosial Facebook
2. Bagaimana perkembangan bisnis online di Indonesia
3. Hal-hal yang menyebabkan pengeroposan tulang
Demikian penjelasan lengkap pengertian den definisi paragraf eksposisi. Telah disertakan pula jenis-jenis dan ciri-ciri paragraf eksposisi, beserta contoh-contohnya. Semoga sedikit ulasan ini dapat membantu para siswa dan Anda semua untuk mengetahui apa itu paragraf eksposisi?, serta menjadi bahan dalam penulisan artikel ilmiah dan kalimat paragraf eksposisi.

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Download Software Net Cut 3 0 Patch

Download Software Net Cut 3 0 Patch

Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memberikan untuk sobat blogger, yaitu Software Net Cut yang berguna untuk memutuskan koneksi internet pada user dalam sebuah area LAN/Hotspot, untuk mengalihkan atau memutuskan aliran paket data antara user dengan gateway. Software ini mempunyai teknik ARP spoofing. Jadi anda bisa mengakses koneksi internet dari suatu server seperti koneksi WiFi di tempat kuliahan atau pada tempat penyedia Wifi lainnya secara bebas. Bila kalian ingin tahu apa itu ARP Spoofing, silahkan saja cari di internet.

Download Software Net Cut 3.0+Patch

Bila anda ingin tahu cara kerja Software Net Cut ini, silahkan simak dibawah ini :

  1. NetCut menjadikan laptop/komputernya sebagai gateway. Jadi dia bebas mengatur siapa yang masuk, dan siapa yang perlu dikeluarkan dari suatu koneksi tersebut.
  2. Bekerja berdasarkan ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) Spoofing, yaitu mengelabuhi mac adress komputer satu Dengan IP adress Komputer lain. Seperti contoh, komputer 1 mau komunikasi ke 2. Tapi, tiba2 si 3 mengangu komunikasi. Karena sebelumnya si 3 sudah sukses melakukan penyusupan di bagian ARP. Jadi si 3 bisa suka aja mau diapain tuh data yang sudah di copet. Mau di putus, di sambung semua terserah padanya.
Bila sudah jelas penjelasan saya mengenai pengertian Software Net Cut, kemungkinan anda sangat berminat sekali untuk memilikinya. Bila begitu silahkan saja download software ini dengan menekan link download dibawah ini :


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Harga dan Spesifikasi Kamera DSLR Sony Cybershot H300 Terbaru 2015

Harga dan Spesifikasi Kamera DSLR Sony Cybershot H300 Terbaru 2015

Bagi anda seorang pecinta fotografi baik sudah profesional ataupun masih pemula, mungkin ini bisa membantu anda untuk mencari kamera yang cocok buat anda. Kamera besutan dari SONY ini mungkin bisa menjadi pilihan terbaik anda, yaitu Kamera DSLR Sony Cybershot H300 ini memang memiliki harga yang terjangkau dan juga kualitas gambarnya tajam serta sangat cocok untuk pengambilan gambar di luar ruangan ataupun di dalam ruangan. 

Untuk mengetahui bagaimana jeroan dari Kamera besutan dari SONY kita lihat Spesifik berikut,
Spesifikasi dan Harga Kamera Sony H300 Selengkapnya :
Harga dan Spesifikasi Kamera DSLR Sony Cybershot H300 Terbaru 2015

Kamera DSLR Sony Cybershot H300 mempunyai resolusi sebesar 20,2 MP dan di lengkapi dengan CMOS Sensor.
Sedangkan Layar menggunakan LCD ukuran 3.0" inchi,
Untuk pengambilan gambar di bekali dengan sensivitas ISO 100-3.200 buat pengambilan di ruangan yang gelap, dan dapat 35x Zoom Wide. 
Bisa juga untuk merekam Video HD 720p / 30 fps.
Fitur pendukung lainnya di bekali dengan partial Colour, Swep panorama, 3D.
Tipe gambar adalah RAW dan JPEG.
Untuk Kekuatan Baterai menggunakan AA Baterai.
Untuk media penyimpanan dapat menggunakan SD/SDHC/SDXC.
Dan untuk Kisaran Harganya Kamera DSLR Sony Cybershot H300 di banderol sebesar Rp 2 jutaan.

Semoga Artikel di atas tentang Spesifikasi dan Harga Kamera DSLR Sony Cybershot H300 bisa menjadi bahan referensi anda untuk pemilihan Kamera yang cocok buat hobi anda, dan juga bisa menambah wawasan bagi para pembaca sekalian, Terima Kasih..

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Sony Xperia T3 Reviews

Sony Xperia T3 Reviews

More recently release handsets the Xperia T2 Ultra, Sony is ready again to demolish the middle class and above market with Xperia handsets T3. Not much gap between the two specifications of this handset. Call it the screen resolution is equally HD, 1GB of RAM plus 8GB of ROM, 400 Snapdragon processor quad-core, and GPU Adreno Xperia 305. Only T3 has a more compact size than T2 Ultra with the screen down to 5.3-inches . About the price we still do not know but our guess would be not much different from the T2 Ultra. Read more below.

Main Specifications

GSM 850/900/1800/1900
HSDPA 900/2100
LTE 800/900/1800/2100/2600
IPS LCD screen 16 million color 5.3-inch HD (720 x 1280 pixels)
Android 4.4.2 Kitkat
Quad-core 1.4 GHz Cortex-A7 MSM8928-2 Qualcomm Snapdragon 400
Adreno 305 GPU
Internal memory of 8 GB
The rear camera 8 MP autofocus LED flash, 1.1 MP Front
Lithium Ion battery 2500 mAh
Design and Body
Fixed refers OmniBalance design, Xperia T3 comes with a unibody design with a rectangular elbow angle enough. However, unlike the Z series, the rear of the Xperia T3 is more contoured curved so that a more comfortable grip. And also because of the semi-clad plastic material rubber, to make matters very good grip. Xperia T3 has dimensions of 150.7 x 77 x 7 mm, and weighs 148 grams. 7mm thickness counted only 0.5mm thin only difference with Xperia Z Ultra (6.5mm). No premium material here, all made of plastic. Its just to beautify, Sony gave the mirror accents around the phone a little sink placement.

The face of the earpieces which there are notification LED, light and proximity sensors, secondary camera, and a 5.3-inch screen. The back side there is a main camera, LED flash, mic, NFC, and speakers.

The left side of the phone have a micro SIM slot and microSD memory card, the lock / power, volume keys, and camera button. While the right side just filled microUSB port. The top of unfilled 3.5mm headset port, and the bottom of the hole filled with the mic, and also the strap hook.

Although only HD 720p only, but this IPS screen resolution looks pretty sharp on the 5.3-inch screen which gives a pixel density of 277 ppi. The quality is also good, both in color and composition standpoint. As usual the Sony Mobile BRAVIA technology immerse 2 and also the X-Reality engine. Presented with a display capable of fairly well under exposure to sunlight.


No need to update again, because the Xperia T3 is running on Android 4.4.2 out-of the box. No changes in T3, everything looks the same as the Xperia KitKat in general. Lockscreen still follow the style of Jellybean, where in this section can also be added to the widget as well as quick access to the camera (though by holding the camera button you can directly to the camera application without turning on the screen first).

Homescreen pages can contain up to 7 pieces of pages, which became a place to put widgets, folders, and shortcuts. Excess Xperia interface lies in the ability to add themes that can be downloaded via the Play Store.

Notification window is divided into two tabs. First the notification was, and the next tab provides quick access to toogle toogle-setting. Recent apps section also enriched by the presence of the mini apps, small applications which can always appear on the screen.

Application icons in the apps drawer arranged in a 5 x 4 formation with a transparent background. Its structure can be set manually or categories such as alphabetical, most used, and also the application of non-stock ROM.


With the resolution to 8MP autofocus main camera and is equipped with a sensor Exmor RS, you can produce good quality photos. Plus if you are in low light conditions there is the LED flash as a relief. Profitable again, Sony provide dedicated keys for camera, of course, with this key shooting easier and minimize the shock when shooting. For the interface looks similar to the other new Xperia. There are quite a lot of settings and interesting effects that can manipulate photos.

For quality, as we already mentioned, the Xperia T3 camera capable of producing images that are bright, natural color, low noise both in indoor and outdoor conditions in standard mode Manual.

The 8MP camera is also capable of being used to perform video recording up to 30fps FullHD resolution. The interface is not much different with the camera. For video recording feature SteadyShot Sony gives so reduce shock when recording. When the recording process you can simultaneously take pictures, of course, with a resolution in accordance with the resolution of the video.


As usual, the album represents a place where the Gallery function to display the photo and video content. It looks interesting because it changes the traditional style of Android. The album can also be connected to an online gallery such as from Facebook, Picasa, Flickr and others. Not stopping there, you also can see or throw content to other devices by utilizing DLNA connectivity. To perform editing album also provide homemade alternatives other than the default Android.

Applications Walkman (8.4.A.3.1) always be an added value to the Sony. Because all the time would represent accurately the famous Walkman plays audio content. Albums interface compatible with the DLNA capabilities also. Output sound via the headset sounds good, especially with a wide selection of complete settings. Unfortunately though quite powerful, Sony put the speaker back in the back, which is actually the sound output will be slightly muffled when the phone is put on the desk / other surfaces.

Besides album, the video content is also located in an application named Movies (7.2.A.0.4). Once again zoom in harmony with the above two applications, and also if the available video content you have movie will also be shown supporting information such as cast, description, and also information. Popular formats up to FullHD resolution can be played with either a plus subtitle support.

FM radio into alternative entertainment if you are tired of listening to the songs in memory. It looks attractive with animations and also RDS support if available. Headsets are required tertencap if you want to listen to your favorite radio stations.


Chrome the default browser is currently single. But not to worry because this one browser application known reliable both in terms of performance and features. Pages can open the desktop version smoothly. The zoom in and zoom out also no lag.


Quadrant Standard: 10265 points
AnTuTu: 19404 points
NenaMark2: 57.6 fps
Multitouch Tester: maximum 9 touch
CamSpeed??: Score 546; With Flash 481


Xperia T3 runs on quadband GSM network 850/900/1800/1900, dualband HSDPA 900/2100, and pentaband LTE 800/900/1800/2100/2600 For local connectivity there is WiFi 802 11 a / b / g / n dual -band, Bluetooth v4.0, A-GPS GLONASS, v2.0 microUSB, microSD up to 32GB, and NFC.

Battery Life

Xperia T3 has a Lithium Ion battery with a capacity of 2500 mAh non-removable, down from T2 500mAh Ultra. Possible to pursue thinness and compact body. The battery is claimed to be able to perform 14 hours of talk time and stand by time up to 688 hours on 3G networks. To reality when we test with HD MKV video playback duration of one hour with no cellular network conditions, but WiFi is active and the screen brightness reduced to 50% battery from 100% to 92%, is quite good. Appropriate characteristic to increase battery life, Sonys STAMINA mode where the embed will optimize the use of resources so as efficiently as possible.


With the reduced size and thinner, Xperia T3 emphasizes design and compatibility. But in terms of spesifikasipun not left still capable, although there are pluses and minuses of the Xperia T2 Ultra. For example with the same screen resolution with Ultra T2 but for the size of 5.3-inch zoom so much eye candy. Unfortunately, the slim design is not accompanied by a premium selection of materials. The entire body is made of plastic, and the back cover is like a rubber lowering the impression of luxury. So for who need a slim phone with dimensions quite compact T3 could be an option, because of the completeness of features similar to the Xperia upper class, middle class and qualified specifications.

parameter Rating

Design: 9.0
Quality: 8.2
Features: 8.1
Performance: 8.4
Battery: 8.0
Price: -

Sony Xperia T3 Reviews

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Epson Workforce Pro WP M4015DN Driver Free

Epson Workforce Pro WP M4015DN Driver Free

Epson Workforce Pro WP M4015DN Driver Free. Epson WorkForce Pro WP-M4015 DN is ideal for businesses that print in a month more than 1,500 pages or consume more than three reams of paper. This inkjet front / back office offers low total cost of ownership, thanks to a CPP reduced by 50% * 1 and energy consumption 80% lower than lasers * 1 .

Epson Workforce Pro WP M4015DN Driver Free Download
More eco-friendly than laser printers in black and white, this model belongs to the first range of monochrome inkjet printers for this office on the market. Can print up to 10,000 pages with a single ink tank * 2 , Epson WorkForce Pro WP-M4015 DN has a high yield and low maintenance requirements: you will need to replace the tanks so less frequently.

Driver Free Download Epson Workforce Pro WP M4015DN 
The ink tanks and buffer waste ink are the only consumables that must be replaced: so you can save warehouse space that would be occupied by toner, fuser and photoconductor.

Epson Workforce Pro WP M4015DN

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Driver Free Scan Epson Workforce Pro WP M4015DN for Mac OS X

Driver Free Download Epson Workforce Pro WP M4015DN 
The prints are of the highest quality and are resistant to water, smudging, fading and highlighter pens, as they dry instantly. Thanks to the 330-page paper capacity (250 in the front tray and 80 in the rear), users can focus on their work without interruption to feed the paper in the trays.

Epson Workforce Pro WP M4015DN Driver Free Download
Compatible with Epson iPrint, the application for printing from Epson Mobile, allows you to print wirelessly from smartphones and tablet from anywhere in the office.

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Download Sony Vaio VPCZ22TGX X Laptop Windows 7 64 bit Drivers

Download Sony Vaio VPCZ22TGX X Laptop Windows 7 64 bit Drivers

2nd gen Intel® Core™ i7-2640M (2.80 / 3.50GHz, Genuine Windows® 7 Professional 64-bit Features: 13.1" LED backlit Full HD display, 6GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Power Media Dock™ (BD-ROM, AMD graphics), extended sheet battery. The battery of the Z Series is integrated into the PC and conforms to the contours of the chassis offering a thinner battery profile while still supplying up to XX hours of battery life. Developed by the same people you trust to engineer amazing flat-panel HDTV, this VAIO® PC features exceptional picture quality. Measuring 13.1" and sporting a cinema-inspired 16:9 aspect ratio, the 1920 x 1080 Full HD resolution widescreen display lets you view your games and movies in impeccable detail. Download Sony Vaio VPCZ22TGX/X Laptop Windows 7 64-bit Drivers:
  1. Audio (Sound) – Dolby® Audio Driver Update
  2. Audio (Sound) – Realtek® High Definition Audio Driver
  3. BIOS – BIOS Update Utility
  4. Bluetooth® Wireless – Intel® Centrino® Bluetooth® 3.0 + High Speed Virtual Adapter
  5. Bluetooth® Wireless – Intel® Centrino® Wireless Bluetooth® 3.0 + High Speed Virtual Adapter
  6. Camera – ArcSoft WebCam Companion® 4 Software
  7. Device Driver – Renesas® Electronics USB 3.0 Host Controller
  8. Device Driver – Renesas® Electronics USB 3.0 Host Controller Update
  9. Memory Card Reader/Writer – Realtek® PCIE Card Reader Driver
  10. Memory Card Reader/Writer – Realtek® PCIE Card Reader Driver Update
  11. Motherboard – Intel® Mobile Express Chipset SATA RAID Controller
  12. Motherboard – Intel® 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family Driver
  13. Network – VAIO® Smart Network Software Update
  14. Network – VAIO® Smart Network Software
  15. Notebook Control and Utilities – VAIO® Control Center Software Update
  16. Notebook Control and Utilities – Keyboard Shortcuts Utility Update
  17. Picture Motion Browser – Picture Motion Browser VAIO® Edition plug-in Update
  18. RAID – Generic Marvell® 61xx RAID Controller Update
  19. RAID – Generic Marvell® 61xx RAID Controller for Docking Station
  20. Remote Software – Remote Keyboard Software
  21. Remote Software – Remote Play with PlayStation®3 Software
  22. Security – AuthenTec® TrueSuite® Software
  23. Sony Applications (various) – VAIO® 3D Portal Software Update
  24. Sony Applications (various) – VAIO Care™ Core Module Update
  25. Sony Applications (various) – VAIO Care™ Update Software
  26. Sony Applications (various) – VAIO Gate™ Software Update
  27. Sony Applications (various) – VAIO Care™ Learn Contents Software Update
  28. Sony Applications (various) – VAIO Care™ Software Update
  29. Sony Applications (various) – Music Unlimited Launcher Update
  30. System Components – Intel® Management Engine Interface
  31. System Components – Sony® Shared Library
  32. System Components – Sony® Firmware Extension Parser Device Driver
  33. System Software – VAIO® Peripherals Metadata Update
  34. System Software – Splashtop® OS – Quick Web Access Software
  35. Touchpad – Synaptics® PS/2 Port TouchPad
  36. Touchpad – Synaptics® PS/2 Port TouchPad Update
  37. VAIO Media Software – Media Gallery™ Update
  38. VAIO Media Software – Media Gallery™ Update
  39. VAIO Update – VAIO® Update Software Update
  40. VAIO Update – VAIO® Update Software
  41. Video – AMD Radeon™ HD 6650M and Mobile Intel® HD Graphics Driver
  42. Video – AMD Radeon™ HD 6650M and Intel® HD Graphics Family Update
  43. Video – CyberLink® PowerDVD® BD Update
  44. Wireless – Intel® Wireless Display Registry Patch
  45. Wireless – Intel® Centrino® Advanced-N 6230 Driver

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Download Advent Quantum Q200 Driver For Windows XP

Download Advent Quantum Q200 Driver For Windows XP

Advent Quantum Q200
Advent Quantum Q200 Driver For Windows XP Download 

This model using intel chipset so normally it will use the Intel 4,3 and 500 series chipset: 
Download Intel 4 series chipset driver. 

(note: please read intel license agreement before downloading!) 
there are many site that give different specs but here i provide several driver base on the specs, so after you test it report back which work. 
Download Intel GMA 4500MHD 

Download Mobile Intel® 4 Series Express Chipset Family

Download Realtek High definition Audio Driver

Download Conextant AC link 97

Download Realtek RTL8191SE Wireless LAN 802.11n PCI-E NIC
(select the Utility and Driver Auto Installation Program (Support Win2K/XP/Vista/Win7)(Install Shield v1.00.0182)

Note that this driver file is small (about 30kb), but it contain no auto installation file. You need to manually install from device manager. For those who didnt know how to manually install it use the driver above. (i give this one in because the size is smaller and you can download it faster)
Download (realtek site)

Download JMicron 260 Fast Ethernet Controller

There are also many latest or prior version of this driver,
you can refer here: 

Download Reader JMicron 38x Host Controller

Download ElanTech Touchpad Driver v

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Sony Xperia M Reviews

Sony Xperia M Reviews

Sony Xperia M Reviews

Android phone market can be said to be a mid-end market is Sony. Because in the price range of 2-4 million Sony offers a product that has a design, nice features over other competitors. Now our office arrival M Xperia phones, mobile phones under the Xperia L position but with features that do not differ much. With the price of 2.5 million if the phone is to be reckoned with? Please read the review below.

Main Specifications
  • Quadband GSM 850/900/1800/1900
  • Dualband HSDPA 900/2100
  • Capacitive touch screen 4.0-inch FWVGA (480x854 pixels) ~ 245 ppi
  • The internal memory of 4 GB (GB free 2:05), 1 GB RAM
  • Rear Camera 5 MP (2592 x 1944 pixels) with autofocus, LED flash
  • Android 4.1 Jellybean
  • CPU 1.0 GHz dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Krait MSM8227 Plus
  • Adreno 305 GPU
  • Lithium-Ion 1750 mAh

Package Sales
  • Sony Xperia handsets M
  • Chief charger
  • Data cable
  • headset
  • manual
  • warranty card
Sony Xperia M Reviews

Design and Body

For the market two millions, lately Sony not too creative in designing their products. Commencing from the Xperia J, E, L, and now the Xperia M has a design similar to the presence of the waist and the top and bottom are thicker with OmniBalance design elements. Xperia M has the dimensions of the body 124 x 62 x 9.3 mm and weighs 115 grams, is fairly compact and fairly lightweight as possible because the material used is made entirely of plastic.

The face is filled with a secondary camera, earpiece, proximity sensor and light, 4-inch screen, LED illumination, and a mic. Because of Xperia M using the Android function keys in the screen, then the area of the face has a wide black frame. The back is filled with the primary camera, LED flash, a mic and a speaker line-shaped. To access the battery, microSIM and microSD card slot is located behind the back cover.

The left side of the phone is loaded with the lock / power aluminum similar to brand-new Sony phones today, the volume and the presence of the camera button. The right side of the phone is loaded with microUSB port. The top is filled with a 3.5mm headset port, while the bottom is only filled with holes for hanging accessories.

Affairs M Xperia screen using TFT LCD screen measuring 4-inch FWVGA resolution (480 x 854 pixels). The quality of these screens for the price of 2 million mobile phone looks passable, the sharpness is good, its just the character of a reddish color and a little dull. To display under exposure to sunlight, the screen can display less well so you have to block out the light on the new screen display can be seen clearly.

Sony Xperia M Reviews

Sony Xperia M Reviews


Interface is the same as the other Sony Android 4.1 lockscreen to display left two sliders for quick access to the music player and right to the camera menu. Start a new lockscreen to perform vertical gestures. Go to your homescreen pages will be presented five pages that can be expanded up to a maximum of 7 pages as a place to put your favorite widgets.

Notification window comes with several settings such as sound profiles, bluetooth, wifi, and mobile data, as well as quick access to the settings menu. By holding the home button, the application will be raised access to Google Now, if you press the recent and, in addition to showing the ranks of the newly opened application you can also include some small applications to mobile screen like a calculator, a timer, a memo, and voice recorder. Drawer application comes with a 4 x 4 formation typical of Sony, which was given the white frame transparent and tabs to change the view of the arrangement of icons, search button, and options.

Typing on the Xperia Xperia M can be done with a keyboard that has a lot of features such as support mandarin, predictive text, setting the keyboard layout and color theme. Despite the 4-inch sail but susunana button on the keyboard is quite comfortable to use because of the presence of the distance between the buttons there.

Sony Xperia M Reviews

Contacts and Messaging

Display contact and messaging standards for the latest Xperia which is divided into four tabs that contact, phone, favorite, group. To enter the contact list you can pull it from the computer, online accounts, and import from the SIM card.

For the default Android messaging only, with the initial appearance of the chat thread and the option to attach items such as pictures, photographs, notes, and location will automatically change the format of the message to MMS.


Xperia M with two cameras, a front camera with VGA resolution and a 5MP rear camera with autofocus and features a resolution of the LED flash. The camera on the Xperia M is equipped with sensors like Exmor RS and features is quite generous and match the features available in Sonys high-end phones. More comfort, the Sony retained the presence of the camera button which under certain conditions is helpful for taking pictures so as not to shake and blur. Quick access of the screen is off is also present so you only need to hold the camera button and the phone will automatically go into camera mode.

Results for indoor shots look pretty good, although less sharp, but to remain natural and bright coloring, the result will be even better when utilizing the flash. For outdoor also looks good result which looks sharp and the coloring is quite natural.

Sony Xperia M Reviews

Video Recording

Front camera Xperia M can do video recording up to VGA resolution, while the resolution 5MP rear camera capable of recording video up to 720p HD resolution. Just like a camera, for video recording Sony also provides many features to maximize results. The results of the video recording will be saved in the MP4 format. When you are recording video at the same time you can also take pictures with 1MP resolution when using the rear camera and a VGA resolution front camera.


Photo and video content will be collected and displayed in the menu Albums with Sonys unique appearance which by default is displayed based on the timeline and content can also be displayed in the form of a folder. As usual present SenseMe slideshow feature, where an image, edit, and more.

The music player on the Sony Xperia course called WALKMAN. A music player that has proven its reliability. This music player can find information from the content of existing songs and has integration with other services such as application extension, Youtube, Facebook, and others. Recommended settings are also complete sound output from the speakers via the setting up via the headset. Speaker can produce sound that is loud, unfortunately lying snugly in the phone cradle so if put on top of the table will sound somewhat hindered.

The video player or named Movies has a gorgeous user interface with the initial page last video footage viewed. To support the video format itself is quite extensive as MP4, MKV, AVI can be played well without subtitles, but only a maximum of 720p resolution. Good album, music player and video player is equipped with DLNA connectivity so users can play content in other devices that support.

The FM radio comes with an attractive appearance as it comes with a variety of graphical visualization makes a fairly traditional features is becoming more modern. As usual you have to plug the headset in order to enjoy your favorite radio broadcasts.

Sony Xperia M Reviews


The default condition of Xperia M have Chrome as the default browser (other than Opera Mini). Hence no doubt the performance of the browser. Features that can be utilized is a multi-tab to tab 99 more, synchronization between devices, and other superior features. However, its performance is nice, web pages desktop version can be opened smoothly without any problems. For the flash content when we try to play a YouTube video desktop version of the video player interface displays only the loading is not finished.

To test HTML5, Chrome browser scored 415 with 11 bonus points. Score Sunspider, the browser is getting 2272.2ms figures (the smaller the better).


Quadrant Standard: 4182 points
AnTuTu: 10005 points
NenaMark2: 64.6 fps
Multitouch Tester: maximum 5 touch
CamSpeed: Score 677; With Flash 652


Xperia M runs on quadband GSM network 850/900/1800/1900 and dualband HSDPA 900 / 2100. For local connectivity there is Wi-Fi 802. 11 a / b / g / n dual-band, Bluetooth v4.0, A-GPS, microUSB v2.0, and microSD support up to 32GB. Despite being in the mid-end 2.5 million but Sony gives NFC connectivity typically found in mobile. With NFC would simplify and speed up the connection to the device or other accessories.

Battery Life

Xperia M equipped with a Lithium Ion battery with a capacity of 1750 mAh which is claimed to be able to do a talk time of 9 hours and standby up to 454 hours on 3G networks. To reality with the active data on the 3G network the phone can last from a day or even up to 2 days if minimal use. Moreover STAMINA Sony delivers software that will optimize the use of resources in order to not waste battery power wasted.

Sony Xperia M Reviews


With a difference of about 500 thousand with Xperia L, you will get Jellybean Android phone that has the specs and performance that is not much different. In terms of design even though not as elegant Xperia L but both of these phones have a similar design. Several things distinguish these two phones only camera resolution, internal memory, and screen size. So of course the decision is yours whether you want a phone with a more elegant appearance as well as the size of the screen is a little bigger or choose a cheaper phone with little reduction in the specification.

  • NFC connectivity for mobile 2.5 millions
  • batteries qualified
  • speaker toned
  • Screen a little dull

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Download HP ProBook 4530s Laptop Windows 7 64 bit Drivers

Download HP ProBook 4530s Laptop Windows 7 64 bit Drivers

Download HP ProBook 4530s Laptop Windows 7 (64-bit) Drivers:


  1. HP Notebook System BIOS Update F.23


  1. HP System Diagnostics UEFI

Driver – Audio

  1. IDT High-Definition (HD) Audio Driver 6.10.6365.0
  2. IDT High-Definition (HD) Audio Driver 6.10.6341.0; 5.10.6341.0

Driver – Chipset

  1. Intel Management Engine Interface (MEI) Driver
  2. Renesas Electronics USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver
  3. Intel Chipset Installation Utility
  4. Intel Management Engine Components Driver

Driver – Graphics

  1. Intel Video Driver and Control Panel
  2. ATI Video Driver and Control Panel 8.91-111013A-132348C
  3. ATI Video Driver and Control Panel 8.84-110328A-116678C

Driver – Keyboard, Mouse and Input Devices

  1. Synaptics TouchPad Driver 16.0.3
  2. Validity Fingerprint Driver
  3. HP 2.4 GHz Wireless Optical Mobile Mouse 1.12.7600.16385
  4. HP Hotkey Support
  5. HP Universal Camera Driver CP58500600_CL33412

Driver – Modem

  1. LSI HDA Modem Driver for Windows

Driver – Network

  1. Intel Wireless Drivers for Microsoft Windows
  2. Ralink 2011 802.11 b/g/n WiFi Adapter
  3. Ericsson Mobile Broadband Drivers
  4. Intel PROSet Bluetooth Driver 1.2
  5. Ralink/Motorola Bluetooth Adapter Driver
  6. Realtek RTL8188CE 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Driver for Microsoft Windows 1005.24.712.2011
  7. Atheros 2011 Wireless LAN Driver
  8. Sierra Wireless Driver Package for HP un2430 Mobile Broadband Module
  9. Ralink 2011 802.11 b/g/n WiFi Adapter
  10. Realtek RTL8188CE 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Driver for Microsoft Windows 1005.22.615.2011
  11. Atheros Bluetooth Driver 7.2
  12. Intel Bluetooth 3.0 HS enabler 1.0
  13. Intel Wireless Drivers for Microsoft Windows 7 14.0
  14. Realtek Ethernet Controller Driver 1.00
  15. Realtek Motorola BC8 Bluetooth 3.0+HS Driver for Microsoft Windows
  16. Atheros 2011 Wireless LAN Driver 9.20
  17. Atheros Wireless LAN Driver 1.10

Driver – Storage

  1. Intel Rapid Storage Technology Driver
  2. JMicron Media Card Reader Driver


  1. HP High Definition (HD) Webcam Firmware 15.0
  2. Ericsson Mobile Broadband Firmware R5E08

Operating System – Enhancements and QFEs

  1. Essential System Updates for Microsoft Windows 7 2.0


  1. Intel PROSet Extensions for Microsoft Windows 7 14.0

Software – Multimedia

  1. ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre 3 Blu-Ray Player

Software – Security

  1. Drive Encryption for HP ProtectTools
  2. Face Recognition for HP ProtectTools
  3. Device Access Manager for HP ProtectTools
  4. HP ProtectTools Security Manager
  5. Privacy Manager for HP ProtectTools
  6. Validity Fingerprint Driver

Software – Solutions

  1. HP 3D DriveGuard
  2. HP QuickWeb Software
  3. PDF Complete
  4. HP Power Assistant Software
  5. HP USB 2.0 Docking Station Driver 6.0.33743.0
  6. HP Software Framework
  7. LightScribe System Software
  8. HP Connection Manager
  9. Evernote Software
  10. HP Software Framework

Software – System Management

  1. System Default Settings for Windows 7 2.3
  2. HP GPS and Location
  3. HP Wallpaper 2.00

Utility – Tools

  1. Unattended Advanced Format (AF) Hard Disk Information Tool 1.0
  2. HP Battery Check
  3. HP Support Assistant
  4. HP BIOS Update UEFI

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