Office 365 exchange auditing and reporting - mailbox usage, traffic reports, etc get 160+ o365 exchange reports on incoming and outgoing mail traffics, spam/malware emails, mailbox forwarding, mailbox permissions, mailbox auditing, non-owner access, mailbox login, mailbox size&usage, active & inactive mailboxes, distribution groups with their membership etc. Get mail traffic report. We are pleased to announce that we are now able to provide mail traffic reports to cogmotive reports customers these new reports give office 365 customers the ability to analyse the amount and type of mail traffic entering and leaving an organisation this has been one the most requested features by our cogmotive reports customers.
get mail traffic report
This cmdlet is available only in the cloud-based service use the get-mailtrafficsummaryreport cmdlet to view summary information about message traffic in your organization > [!note] > we recommend that you use the exchange online powershell v2 module to connect to exchange online powershell for. Exchange reporter plus's exchange server traffic reports function as a web based tool to continuously monitor the exchange server traffic. the server performance is closely studied in terms of delivery times of the server, the traffic happening between any two servers and the number of messages handled by the server.. Will send an email with information about database sizes, amount of data processed previous day, etc. run it as a scheduled task every day so you keep an eye on your envi.
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